Company information

Company Name *
Street Address *
City *
State (Optional)
Country *
Postal / Zip Code
Telephone Number *
Company Website (Optional)

Contact Person information

Contact Person Name< */span>
Contact Email *
Mobile Number (Optional)

Project Overview

Are you planning to develop a new software or re-engineer an existing software? *
Project name/title *
Project description *
BRD or a scope document (If available) Maximum size: 5mb
What are the main goals you aim to achieve with this project? *
Have you benchmarked any existing software applications available in the market? *
Share the details of the benchmarked softwares *

Current System

Do you currently have any system or process in place that this project will replace or enhance? *
Please describe Optional
What are the primary pain points with the current system? *
Do you have access to a recent and updated Source Code and Design Files? *
Do you have Project / Product Documentation such as (SRS, ER Diagram etc)?*
Please list the product / project Artifacts (Optional)
Upload SRS or ER Diagram (If available) Maximum size: 5mb

Project Scope and Requirements

Who is your target audience? *
Which platforms will the solution be deployed on?*
Do you need to integrate with any existing systems or third-party services? *
Please explain about integration Optional

Content and Features

What are the core features and functionalities you require?*

Design and Branding

Do you have an existing brand or style guide?*
Upload Style Guide (Max. Size: 5mb)
Do you have a colour scheme or design preferences? (Optional)
Do you need any graphic design services? *(e.g., logo design, banner creation)
Specify the services *

* Kodsmith does not offer logo design services. However, we are more than happy to connect you with competent partners offering such services

Technical Requirements

Are there any specific technologies or frameworks you prefer or need us to use? *
Please sepecify (Optional)
Specific performance benchmarks or requirements (Optional)

Security and Compliance

Specific data privacy or compliance requirements (Optional)
What security features do you require ? (Optional)
Are there any specific security standards or protocols to follow? (Optional)
Are there any regulatory or compliance requirements the app must adhere to? (Optional)

Project Timeline and Budget

Budget *
What development model would you prefer *
Are there any key milestones or deadlines? *

Maintenance and Support

Do you require ongoing maintenance and support? *
What level of support do you anticipate needing? *
Please Sepecify
Do you need training for your team on the new system? *

Additional Information

Are there any other details or requirements you haven't mentioned? *
How did you hear about our services?*
Please Sepecify
Name of the Consultant/Agency
Would you like to receive updates and information about our other services? *

Free Consultation:

We offer a free consultation upon completion and submission of this requirement gathering questionnaire. Do you wish to avail this free online consultation? *

Best attempts will be made from our side to allocate a free consultation on the opted day /time. However, this cannot be guaranteed. Our sales advisors shall be in touch via email to confirm the consultation appointment. Alternatively, please use the Free Consultation link provided on the homepage of our website.


Kodsmith may share the above information with its employees, subsidiaries or partners to analyse the requirements *